Doctoral Consortium Call for Participation
The Doctoral Consortium at ISMAR 2024 is a concentrated event where students present their research interests, plans, and results to a panel of researchers in related fields and receive specific and constructive feedback, including opportunities to meet with mentors one-on-one. Accepted students will be expected to give in-depth presentations of their research and will receive valuable comments from mentors. Additionally, accepted students will create a poster to share their work with ISMAR ’24 Doctoral Consortium and general conference attendees. Accepted students will have the option to publish their two-page extended abstract in the conference proceedings and to be included in the ISMAR 2024 online program. Abstracts may be archived in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Important Dates
- Sunday June 9th 2024 23:59 AoE – Submission Deadline
- Monday July 15th 2024 23:59 AoE – Notification of Acceptance
- Wednesday July 31st 2024 23:59 AoE – Camera-ready Submission
Eligibility and Topics
Ideal candidates will be in the early or mid-stage of their PhD and should have a solid idea of their research direction as well as dissertation topic, which may have still room for improvement. The consortium welcomes applicants from a broad range of disciplines including VR, AR, 3D user interfaces, human-computer interaction, wearable computing, social informatics, information technology, cognitive science, and related fields.
Submission Guidelines
To apply to the Doctoral Consortium, please submit the following two documents via this Google Form. All submissions to the Doctoral Consortium should be prepared in IEEE Computer Society VGTC format.
- Position paper up to two pages in length (including references). The paper must clearly motivate, discuss, and summarize the proposed PhD research, describe how the research fits into and advances research in the field, and report on your progress. You may additionally focus on a more specific area of the research if desired. In the concluding section, you should identify two to three questions or areas for improvement that you would like to discuss during the Doctoral Consortium.
- A one-page Curriculum Vitae.
Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.
For more information, please contact the Doctoral Consortium Program Chairs,
Zhen Bai, University of Rochester
Lee Lisle, Virginia Tech
Richard (Rick) Skarbez, La Trobe University
Missie Smith, Meta