Call for Demos

The ISMAR demonstration track features contributors showing working prototypes, technologies, and designed experiences to engage with the ISMAR attendees. Your demonstration can take the shape of a live interactive demo, a lab or corporate exhibition, an interactive art exploration, or any combination of these.

All accepted demonstrations will be presented at the conference and presentations will be in person during the scheduled Demo Session(s). All submissions will include pre-recorded videos which must include (if applicable) takes from an egocentric viewpoint, so attendees can experience how your demo works from the user’s perspective. Submitters are asked to provide a 2-page description of their demonstration, which will be available on the conference website.

We encourage a diverse range of demonstrations on the topic of Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality. You are free to demonstrate the work presented in the papers, posters, or workshop sessions, as well as any new visionary, engaging, or emerging project not yet presented elsewhere!

The main selection criteria will be the expected general interest of the demonstration to the Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality community.

  • Submission deadline: August 5th 2024 (23:59 AoE)
  • Notification: August 18th 2024
  • Camera ready deadline: August 25th, 2024

All materials will be submitted electronically through the Precision Conference website at PCS with all the following items:

  1. A 100-word abstract to be included in the demo list.
  2. A 2-page extended abstract (including references) in PDF format, which describes the demo and the research. This document will be published in the conference adjunct proceedings.
  3. A representative image in .png or .jpg format (landscape) to be included in the demo list.
  4. A 1-2 minute instructional video link. It is highly recommended to submit this video via a YouTube or Vimeo link.

Templates must follow the IEEE Computer Society format at

ISMAR 2024 Demo Chairs,
Isaac Cho, Nilufar Baghaei, Laura Matloff